Accessible App Design in Education
Claudia Manolache Claudia Manolache

Accessible App Design in Education

Every single child has the right to education, as stipulated in the Convention of the Rights of the Child. Education is closely associated with higher-paying jobs, a healthier life, social security and opportunities for full participation in society. However, until this day, there are children whose right to education is still denied. In the following paragraphs I will be speaking about one of the most marginalised and excluded (willingly, or not) groups in society: children with disabilities.

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UX & UI Explained: What’s the catch?
Design Claudia Manolache Design Claudia Manolache

UX & UI Explained: What’s the catch?

There are so many critical areas of your business that you have to pay attention to. Why should you care about something as trivial as design, visual elements and user-friendliness when it comes to digital products?

Because 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience. Also, mobile users are 5 times more likely to abandon a task if the website isn’t optimized for mobile.

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